
About Avon

Incorporated in 1995, the town of Avon is just 5 miles west of Indianapolis and only 10 minutes away from Indianapolis International Airport. The town is home to four-star schools and boasts a rich musical background, including three national championships and 13 state championships for the Avon Highschool Marching Band.


The median household income within the town of Avon is $94,213. In 2019, the median property value for a home was $210,600, which is .876 times smaller than the national average ($240,500). Those living in Avon can expect a rich community life only minutes away from the bustle of nearby Indianapolis.


The schools in the district provide robust programs centering around STEM, including robotics, engineering, CNC machining, welding, and logistics. They also provide students with advancement placement and Dual Credit classes, allowing students to get a head start on postsecondary education.

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