Build Your Business in Hendricks County
Hendricks County, Indiana, has a long-established reputation as a business-friendly community, and a vital element of that part is a tradition of fiscally conservative state and local government. As a result, the State of Indiana earned the nation’s highest bond rating, racking up budget surpluses every year for the past decade. In fact, in 2019, Indiana was listed as #12 on Forbes Magazine’s Best States for Business.
In addition, most Hendricks County local governments have A to AAA bond ratings translating to low tax rates for businesses. For example, Indiana’s corporate income tax decreased in 2021 to 4.9% from 6.5%, and the state doesn’t have gross receipts or inventory tax. Furthermore, workers’ compensation rates are within the lowest 15% in the country.
Not only is transitioning to Hendricks County affordable, but we help keep the cost of doing business low over the long term. We have the second-least stringent regulatory environment and provide new and relocating businesses with lease assistance programs and corporate tax credits.